European Association of Ships in Bottles
Other Ship in a Bottle Associations:-
Welkom aan Boord
Nederlandse Vereniging van Flessescheepjes Bouwers en Verzamelaars
President - Hans de Haan
e-mail him on: welkomaanboord@shipsinbottles.nl
Visit the Dutch SIB website www.shipsinbottles.nl
To join, please contact : Hans de Haan, Grauwe Gans 34,
4617 KE, Bergen op Zoom, Netherlands
French Association Association Bateaux en Bouteilles
President and Editor: Gerard Breillat 32, mail des Pepinieres 77127 LIEUSAINT, France
e-mail: president@abb-rosedesvents.com
Visit the website at : www.abb-rosedesvents.com
Deutsche Buddelschiffer Gilde Peter Hollander; Randowstr.: 10; D - 22547 Hamburg; Germany.
German bottleship forum
Norway Association - Flaskeskuteforeningen AV 1878 PO. Box 893, Sentrum, N-0104 Oslo 1, Norway
There are a number of other websites relating to the craft of building or collecting bottled objects, including ships in bottles:
Bottle Shipwright - https://archive.org/details/Bottle Shipwright
The Sea of Bottles—David Luna de Carvalho from Portugal with video links http://mardasgarrafas.blogspot.com/
Ships in Bottles in Russia - a superb site with lots of other useful links: Artem Popov http://www.shipbottle.ru/
Mining bottles from Austria: Peter Huber http://www.mineral.at/
American Folk Art - including early bottled models: Susan Jones http://www.sdjones.net/FolkArt/FolkArt.html
Ships in Bottles from Spain - detailed models built to scale
Juan Rodriguez del Barrio http://juanrodriguezdelbarrio.blogspot.com
Ships and other artefacts in bottles: Greg Alvey www.folkartinbottles.com
Bottled Ship Builder - www.bottledshipbuilder.com
Trad Boat (Charles Smith Publications) - http://www.tradboat2.co.uk/
Mike Berkeley - https://mikebmodels.blogspot.com/
Bottleneck Treasures: David Lavoie - www.builderofships.com https://www.bottlestore.com/aguidetobuildingyourfirstshipinabottle